Construction maintenance

More and more experts are sounding the alarm:
Germany's transport infrastructure is dilapidated in many places.

Of particular concern is the condition of bridges, several hundred of which are in urgent need of renovation. Our team of experts is already well established in the growth market of bridge repair, with a focus on bridge structures.

Our range of services

We advise clients and architects on the design, construction processes and refurbishment techniques for various buildings and construction projects as part of our service portfolio. Our expertise also includes methods for corrosion protection and floor coating.

As a general contractor, we also realise large-scale refurbishment projects. We have also developed our own process for the safe and fast refurbishment of bridges with asbestos-containing waterproofing.

Qualified execution

Our specialised personnel carry out all repair work themselves in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • DAfStb guidelines for the protection and repair of concrete components
  • Additional technical contract conditions and guidelines for structural engineering structures (ZTV-ING)
  • We are a member of the Landesgütegemeinschaft Instandsetzung von Betonbauwerken e.V. Our employees hold the S.I.V.V. licence (protection, repair, joining and strengthening of concrete components) and the nozzle operator certificate.

Our building repairs

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