Projects - always at the cutting edge of technology.


Reliable and quality-conscious realisation from planning to implementation and maintenance: this is what we stand for at Eiffage in Germany.
With 7,200 employees at 95 locations, we generate a turnover of 2 billion euros

With over 72,500 employees worldwide, 100,000 realised projects and a total turnover of 18.1 billion euros, we are one of Europe's leading construction groups. As a strong partner, we support customers worldwide in their projects with professional expertise and the highest occupational safety standards.

Daniel Strücker is the country delegate for Eiffage in Germany. He is also Managing Director of Eiffage Infra-Bau SE and a member of the "Comité de direction" (CODIR) of Eiffage Infrastructures in France.

The civil and industrial engineer previously held various management positions in the construction and concessions business in Europe and Africa.

Building construction

As a general contractor, we realise a wide range of building construction projects. We have placed a particular focus on technical building equipment and the digitalisation of construction.

Eiffage Infra-Building Construction


What we build is a fundamental part of our country's infrastructure. From track and railway construction to road and traffic route construction and specialised civil engineering - there is hardly a discipline that we do not cover. And in steel construction, we are shaping the future with steel building construction, bridge construction, conveyor technology, refurbishments and system bridges.

Eiffage Infra Construction SEH Engineering

Energy systems

State-of-the-art electrical engineering and electrical systems are the focus of our energy division. From building and industrial automation to network infrastructure and security technology, we cover all requirements.

Elomech Salvia building technology NAT Schwarz & Grantz


With our Public Private Partnership models, we realise important infrastructure projects and relieve the public budget in the long term.

Eiffage PPP